Northeast Atlanta Ballet presents Paquita and Frozen Heart, the classic Hans Christian Anderson’s story of a beautiful young queen, transformed by evil Ice Trolls into the cold-hearted Snow Queen. When her younger sister, Gerda, and her handsome new love Kai, venture into the frozen kingdom, the Snow Queen captures the young man and sweet Gerda must find a way to melt the Snow Queen’s heart to save her love and free the Snow Queen from her own ice prison. Filled with captivating images of a sparkling ice palace, sleigh-drawing reindeer, ice skaters on a frozen pond and the Snow Queen’s stoic ice maidens, “Northeast Atlanta Ballet’s “Frozen Heart” is sure to melt your heart. Northeast Atlanta Ballet presents “Frozen Heart,” September of 2019 – with choreography by Kristy Nilsson and Music by Hugo Alfven.
We will also feature the classic ballet “Paquita”!
September 14, 2019 at 3 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Infinite Energy Center
Tickets are $16-$19 in advance. $19-$21 at the door. Reserved seating.
2 performances only!